Live Breaking Police Scanner News for Goldsboro, NC & Wayne County!
Listen To The Live Goldsboro Police/Fire Dispatch & Sheriffs Local Town Police Dispatch Feed Below!
Listen To The Wayne County Fire & EMS Dispatch & Ops Feed Below!

In order to bring these live feeds to you, we have to use the right equipment. For the police scanner, we use a Uniden SDS 200. This is the best you can get & is arguably the best system to deal with Phase II P25 (which is the system that Wayne County uses). This is hard wired via ethernet to our home network & ultimately connected to a Windows based desktop PC. We then use a software called ProScan to broadcast the feed to you! We use Broadcastify.com as our feed provider & provide that to you here on the website!
GoldsboroPoliceScanner.com & our Facebook page were started with one goal in mind. We saw a need in our community to be informed with up to the minute breaking news and we wanted to fufill that need. So our site owner, went out and purchased the necessary equipment & here we are today! We started this journey in August of 2023 & we have been steadily growing ever since! Be sure to like us on Facebook!